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The Advocates

"The human body is the best picture of the human soul," Ludwig Wittgenstein once said. Thus, everyone has an obligation to furnish the best picture possible - a healthy and happy self.

Trisha Mae S. Tondares


Struggling to find a balance within my life, I would often find myself either eating too much or not eating a single spoon at all. However, when I started going to the gym, I never felt better. I started eating more healthy and involve myself with more physical activity. Hence, I've realized the importance of self-care through proper nutrition and physical activity. 

Ella Loevie O. Sugata-on

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Physical activities used to be dreadful for me. As a nursing student at WVSU, I begun to understand and recognize the fragility of life, and there are only a few things in our hands that we can change to guarantee a long life. One of these is an active lifestyle. Ever since I saw what activities like badminton and biking can do not just for my physical health but also for my mental health, I started to incorporate them into my day-to-day activities. After all, I owe it to myself to do the best that I can for a sound mind, soul, and body. 

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